North Wales Make Up Tips for Photoshoots

How to wear your make up for a photoshoot!

chester makeover photographer MUA

Make up artist: Mandy Rigby MUA, taken by Rachel Sian Photography at a Red Shoe workshop. Model: Lucy Kirk.

Here are some great tips from professional make up artists Mandy Rigby MUA …

The number one thing you need to remember about makeup for photoshoots is that the camera never captures makeup and colour in quite as much vibrancy as is visible in real life.

So, it is very important that you apply more makeup for photoshoots than you would for going out and looking fabulous in real life. Even if you want a subtle makeup look in your photos, you still need to really exaggerate the makeup you’re applying, because it will not show up as strong through the camera. Light bouncing off of makeup changes the way it looks, and makes it look less dramatic than it really is, and  this is  whether its natural or artificial light.

If you don’t feel confident enough to do it yourself – find a Makeup Artist who will enhance the fabulous you. Ask your photographer if they can recommend someone who they know or have worked with. You can always request a trial before the photoshoot so you feel happy and comfortable that your looking fabulous,  but still you!

SO REMEMBER that your aim is to look gorgeous ! You’re not selling cosmetics!


chester baby portrait photographer

Model: Vickie Gibson. Taken by Rachel Sian Photography at a Red Shoe workshop. Make up by Mandy Rigby MUA.


·         Define the rootline shape of your upper lashes to give definition

·          Soften the line with a matching eyeshadow

·         Add  a small amount of shadow to the outer edge corners to draw out the  eye shape and make them look larger

·         Sweep a mid toned powder through the under-lashes to define them

·         Make sure your foundation is a colour match to your neck and chest – too pale and you will get a ‘flashback’ ghosting and too dark will stand out orange !

·         Use face powder to set the foundation and remove any shiny areas – we don’t want a sweatybetty look !

·         Keep contouring  and highlighting to a minimum – don’t use bronzer to shape and shade as it turns orange on film

·         Apply blusher and soften with a powder and finish with several fine coats of mascara

·         Apply a lipstick  that you love to wear.. that’s really you !

·         Stand back and have someone photograph you to see if you can see the overall look is what you want ! Ask them to change it to monochrome to see if you still look fabulous !


·         Its not a good idea to have your hair cut close to the photoshoot as it can appear to have a ‘blunt’ effect on your images.  Having a wash and blow dry the day before is perfect ! Or alternatively wash your hair the evening before your photoshoot –  apply light dusting of hairspray – style on the morning  and more spray to prevent flyaway look !

·         Don’t go too straight with your hairstyle … women have curves and we should celebrate them ! Wavy/ curly hair compliments everyone.

·         This is not a time to have an ‘updo’  or scraped back look, as it can look quite severe on film!

·         A Professional Hair and Makeup Artist would charge around £60 for a photoshoot.

Here are some images from a photoshoot…

chester newborn baby photographer

Make up artist: Mandy Rigby MUA, taken by Rachel Sian Photography at a Red Shoe workshop. Model: Lucy Kirk.

chester boudoir photography

chester boudoir portrait photography


Check out the looks on the links below to see some current photographic makeup looks and ideas

Makeup Artist Mandy Rigby – 07956085787


For out blog on what to wear for your photoshoot, please visit here.